10 Fun Facts About Grim Grinning Ghosts from The Haunted Mansion

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10 Fun Facts About Grim Grinning Ghosts from The Haunted Mansion

From the Disney Parks Blog:

“Grim Grinning Ghosts,” the theme of The Haunted Mansion, is both merry and spooky at the same time, and is perfectly fitting for one of our guest-favorite attractions. Of all the Disney Parks attractions with catchy theme songs, we can probably agree that we don’t mind when this one gets stuck in our heads.

Grim Grinning Ghosts

In honor of The Haunted Mansion’s 50th anniversary at Disneyland which was celebrated last August, here are 10 fun facts about Grim Grinning Ghosts the Haunted Mansion:

Grim Grinning Ghosts
  • The arrangement of the tune progresses throughout the attraction, starting off on an eerie piano in the library and funeral scenes, then bolder as organ music in the dining room and a whooping party in the graveyard scene.
  • “Grim Grinning Ghosts” hits a high note in the graveyard scene, where a set of singing busts await “to shriek and harmonize.” Did you know that each of these busts has a name? They are: Rollo Rumkin, Uncle Theodore, Cousin Algernon, Ned Nub and Phineas P. Pock.
  • The face of singer Thurl Ravenscroft appears on one of the singing busts – Uncle Theodore, which you can identify at Magic Kingdom Park attraction as the “broken” bust.
  • Buddy Baker, X. Atencio and Thurl Ravenscroft have all been named Disney Legends in years past for their contributions to Disney Parks and films.
  • The pop band Barenaked Ladies did a cover of “Grim-Grinning Ghosts” in 2003 for the film “The Haunted Mansion” which starred Eddie Murphy.
  • A reference to a “Grim Grinning Ghost” (note “ghost” is singular, not plural) appears in the William Shakespeare poem “Venus and Adonis” which was completed in 1593.

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